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This page has  ten  statements about Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church taken from surveys of current members.


We are a Christian Church believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he was born, lived, died, arose and ascended into heaven and will one day return to earth.


We believe that the "Bible" is the inspired word of God, and the fundamental blueprint for the total life of the Christian.


We are a historically Africian American body organized as Missionary Baptist with more than 17 active ministries serving the needs of the membership and our community.


With over 900 members and outstanding attendance of all services we are a vibrant family.  


Our  Youth Church is an ever growing ministry reaching out to and providing services and programs and  teaching tailored to young people who are  serving Jesus.


We believe in "Water Baptism."
Our church leaders are inspired of and called by God, and they provide outstanding Christ centered teaching and preaching that meets and or exceeds the needs and expectations of the membership and the community.


Sunday school at MTZ is a spiritually stimulating fun experience open to adults and youth alike.


With music and dance ministries second to none we are ministered to and inspired by more than 6 choirs, a dance and mime group along with as many as 5    musicians that serve on various Sundays. 


A member's total life is supported here including the building of and support of strong traditional  families, education at every level, strong prayer lives, financial education.


All are welcome to share with us in  the worship and praise of the One True God at the church where "Everybody Is Somebody."

About Us

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